7 Ways Landscaping Improves Your Community’s Value

Landscaping improves your community

Well-planned landscaping isn't just for looks. There are plenty of reasons you'll want to invest in landscaping design and maintenance to improve the value of your community. Here are the top 7 reasons and why. 

1. Increases Perceived Value of the Property

Curb appeal contributes greatly to a potential buyer's first impression of the property. When your outdoor space looks well-maintained, it creates a more inviting community atmosphere and suggests the insides of the property units are also well cared for. 

Virginia Tech researcher, Alex X. Niemiera, reported that well-planned landscape designs can increase a properties value between 5.5% and 12.7%. The two landscaping features that impacted property value the most were design sophistication and plant size. So, not only do sales prices rise, but the time units are on the market will also reduce with a well-maintained landscape.

2. Adds Shade and Privacy 

Planting privacy and shade trees in your community space creates a safe-haven feel for people to spend time outside. They are a beautiful alternative to fences or walls that provide residents the privacy they need while still feeling part of a community. Some privacy trees with soft thick foliage such as evergreens can also act as a natural noise barrier for added comfort to indoor and outdoor spaces. 

3. Improves Physical and Mental Health of Tenants

Trees and plants produce oxygen and improve the quality of air around us. However, breathing easier is not the only health benefit of adding natural landscaping to your community. 

Studies have found that looking at greenery, even through a window, can lower stress levels and blood pressure. This helps people feel more productive and improves their overall well-being. Additionally, with a beautiful outdoor space, more people will feel want to spend time in the sun and reap the benefits of added vitamin D. 

4. Provides Unique Landscaping Features

Unique landscaping designs help your HOA community stand out and feel more inviting. You can add plenty of features to your outdoor space to keep current tenants happy and catch the eye of new renters or buyers. Examples include:

  • Creating focal points with vibrant flower beds 

  • Mixing small stone pebbles and rocks for garden paths 

  • Adding water features for a relaxing outdoor area

  • Creating a dry rock stream with a wooden bridge crossing

5. Improves Safety of Outdoor Spaces

Adding lights to your property not only highlights the unique features you've installed but is an added safety measure when people are out and about at night. Consider using solar lights for your walkways and bright security lights for open yard spaces. 

Tree maintenance services also improve the safety of your outdoor space while allowing your community to enjoy the benefits of natural landscapes. By properly pruning and trimming your trees, you keep their structures healthy and prevent potential hazards from broken branches. 

6. Reduces Crime Rates

Not only does landscaping keep your residents safe when they enjoy the grounds, but it also prevents your community from attracting crime. Plenty of studies have found that neighborhoods with natural landscaping have less crime. For example, one study reports that a 10% increase in tree cover led to at least a 12% decrease in crime. 

7. Increases Community Interactions

Landscaping features such as firepits, dog parks, and rock gardens provide a space for people to hang out and interact. When neighbors get a chance to socialize in an outdoor area, there is an increased feeling of safety and community. People can find common interests, let their pets play together, and/or gain the numerous benefits of positive social interactions. 

At Right Way, we partner with government agencies and property managers for landscape projects and to ensure properties are beautifully maintained and secure. Contact us today to request your free job walk and estimate.


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